Sunday, April 29, 2007
spanx me, baby

I have to admit, the real reason I was able to convince myself to put on a dress for the shower, was that I wanted to try out my new purchase... my Spanx.
Our magazine ran a feature about finding the perfect bra, in which we featured a store in Manhattan called "Intimacy" that supposedly has great fitters. So, when I found myself 15 minutes before my wedding dress fitting without a bra or anything, I headed right over to beg them to help me out with my bra-mergency... And help they did.
The fitter looked me up and down, and without even measuring, the first bra she handed me was perfect. If you can imagine, it was a size E!?! But she explained that it was because they deal with European sizes. She was also the one who suggested Spanx. If you don't know what they are, they suck you in and smoothe you out, and are surprisingly comfortable. The best thing about Spanx "Higher Power" is that they come all the way up to your bra, so there is no spillage over the top. They may not be the sexiest thing, especially trying to put them on, which for me meant grunting and groaning (not in a good way), but they work well, so I'm a fan.
I was out the door in 10 minutes, with a bra, Spanx, a pair of blue lacy Hany Pankys to be my "something blue," as well as a few pairs of socks and a cute lacy top... and, as always, a much lighter wallet, but it was worth it. There's nothing better than the perfect undergarments to complement the look and feeling of a special day!
posted by Danielle @
9:55 PM |

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
when it rains...
...sit back and enjoy the shower. As surprising as this may sound, I really like my soon to be mom-in-law. She's a very loving and creative middle school art teacher. She also has some of the best friends imaginable. They even wanted to throw a shower/luncheon for me, a girl they barely know. The only problem was that it was on April 15th... the day of the monsoon. It was pouring so hard that it felt like the water was shooting up from the ground. And yet, I still convinced myself to wear a dress. But hey, rain is supposed to be good luck, right? Especially for a shower.
Despite the flooding that Jersey is oh so famous for, there were about 12 women there. We sat around drinking mimosas and eating and chatting... Until the hostess said that it was time for the games. I stopped in my tracks...
Games? I'm not really a games sort of gal, but I went with it, and actually ended up having fun.
Here I am (embracing the cheese) after playing the match game, and proving (by answering questions as he would) that the man and I are indeed a perfect match.

The second game was a little more out there, but perfect for this group. The women broke into groups, and made wedding gowns out of toilet paper. Yes, toilet paper. Thankfully, I got to walk around and take photos, instead of participating, because I was "the judge." It actually felt a lot like an episode of Project Runway, because there were four art teachers in the bunch, so they were all so creative. They even made little rosettes and added trim. Very fancy.

After the fashion show, we opened a few "pamper the bride" presents, the most risque of which actually came from the MIL. It was a totally see-through little number from Victoria's Secret with a matching floral thong... Needless to say, my face turned as bright as the frock's fuscia flowers.

The sweetest thing that they did though, was to go in together to get a gift card to a spa for me and the MIL, so we can bond... I can only hope that my friends and I can spoil future daughter-in-laws in just the same way. But in the meantime... I'll enjoy the lingerie.
posted by Danielle @
9:39 PM |

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
and so it starts

Hi... Sorry I've been m.i.a., but I've had to switch over into wedding mode recently, in order to take care of all of the details in my "free time," while still working every day. There always seems to be something... fittings, table assignments, rings, hair/makeup trial, meeting with the band, the florist, the rabbi. But I think everything is pretty much together (except for the programs and place cards, which are next on the list). It's all been pretty laid back, which is nice, and fun. Probably because we have had over a year to arrange everything, and none of us are "freak out" types. And the best part, is that we are going to have lots of help with the finishing touches, since my sister (and nephews), and my college roomie Lauren are coming into town in the next few days from Texas and England, and will be around till the wedding. I think we are going to have lots of fun. Especially this weekend for the bachelorette party. I don't know anything about the "party," except the date, but I know it will be a great time, no matter what. I mean, just having my girls together will make it amazing... I can't wait!
posted by Danielle @
9:57 PM |

Thursday, April 05, 2007
viva las vegas
Vegas was quite a trip. Stayed at the fabulous Mandalay Bay...

Loved the room, especially the incredible view of the strip...

My cousin's wedding at the Four Seasons was beautiful. Very elegant. Although it may not be evident from this photo, my bro and I rocked the dance floor...

And what Vegas wedding would be complete without an Elvis impersonator...

But my favorite part would probably have to be the video slots, especially goldfish and kaboom, the highlight being when I turned $5 into $60 at the Bellagio...

The only problem was that whenever I won, I wanted to keep playing and playing. It was worth it though, and so much fun, especially for my first real Vegas experience. I will definitely be visiting Sin City again in the future, hopefully with more money and more time to spend.
posted by Danielle @
9:15 PM |