Wednesday, April 25, 2007
when it rains...
...sit back and enjoy the shower. As surprising as this may sound, I really like my soon to be mom-in-law. She's a very loving and creative middle school art teacher. She also has some of the best friends imaginable. They even wanted to throw a shower/luncheon for me, a girl they barely know. The only problem was that it was on April 15th... the day of the monsoon. It was pouring so hard that it felt like the water was shooting up from the ground. And yet, I still convinced myself to wear a dress. But hey, rain is supposed to be good luck, right? Especially for a shower.Despite the flooding that Jersey is oh so famous for, there were about 12 women there. We sat around drinking mimosas and eating and chatting... Until the hostess said that it was time for the games. I stopped in my tracks... Games? I'm not really a games sort of gal, but I went with it, and actually ended up having fun.
Here I am (embracing the cheese) after playing the match game, and proving (by answering questions as he would) that the man and I are indeed a perfect match.