Sunday, October 28, 2007
it's my party...

Thinking back to past birthdays, I seem to recall a lot of tears thanks to big plans and the high expectations. Pretty much every year I would have a big shindig, and every year something or other would go wrong. One time, my parents planned for a bunch of my classmates and I to go to a show at Lincoln Center. They even rented a bus to get everyone into Manhattan. I was so excited, especially when the day finally arrived and my friends started to arrive in their costumes for the halloween themed day. Unfortunately, the bus never showed up, so we ended up being stranded at my house with no way of getting to the party. Sad. Many of the other situations involved disappointment with friends. Those always seemed to happen around my birthday. I'll never get it.
Over time, I have learned that I should just not plan too much, but I also learned that I should not sit home and do nothing, because that's just sad in itself. So this year I'm just going to do what I want to do, which happens to be getting pom margaritas and mexican food (guac made at the table... yum) with the hub, and possibly a few friends, and then going for drinks. Nothing extraordinary, but it should be nice. I already got a beautiful Movado watch from the hub yesterday, a b-day/wedding present, and a circle necklace from my mom that I had been eyeing since last year, so at least it's off to a nice start. Hopefully, despite the funk, I can slide through this one without needing waterproof mascara.