Tuesday, September 18, 2007

spank me

I'm a bad blog mom. NYTJG turned two years old over a month ago, and I missed it. No song, no cupcakes, no nada... The horror.

She has gone through a lot of phases and changes in her two years (a mishmash of madness, from panty confessions to insomnia photos to wedding schtuff), leading to a recent blogdentity crisis and now a url move, but she's a little trooper, and will keep on keeping on.

So, if you are willing to stay for the ride, I'm not jumping ship, so please update your blogrolls or bookmarks, and I promise to try and be a better blogger and blog mommy.

I'm thinking I could use a fun new alias though, to go with the new digs... For me, not the blog... Any suggestions?
posted by Danielle @ 9:45 PM |


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