Friday, September 28, 2007
la vida loca

~Went to the Feast of San Gennaro in Little Italy. Talk about deliciousness. For ten days, the streets are all blocked off around that area, and are lined with carny games, knickknack stands, and most of all food vendors, lots and lots of food vendors, selling every sort of sugary, greasy, so bad for you but oh so good food, from zeppoles and cannolis to sausage with peppers to fried oreos (seriously), and we wanted to try it all. Thankfully, I went with friends who were up for going splitsies, so we could try more, and not go totally crazy.
~Painted the town (well, more like the east side) with my coworkers. For the past few months, the magazine workmates and I have been regularly going out for drinks after work. Generally, we start at this one bbq-type place for margaritas, and then go on from there... Sometimes we end up playing pool, or crashing other coworkers' rooftop parties, trying girly shots along the way, or hitting up the local karaoke bar for saki bombs and a nice dose of embarrassment. Good times.
~Started a photo class. It is a six week location and event photography class. Each session in a different place. Our first class entailed shooting a dress rehearsal for a play. I was very tired going into a three hour class after a full day of work, but I really enjoyed the challenge, and feeling like I was creating again, and not just coordinating. I'm already looking ahead to more classes. Not just in photography (although I'd like to take more of those too), but I'd really love to take a writing class again, and maybe experiment with mixed media. One thing at a time though.
~Did some Yom Kippuring. Spent the break-the-fast meal with my mom et all (her hub, his 4 grown kids, their spouses, and combined 7 kids between 2 and 7 years old, mostly boys), and my hub's fam. Was quite the zoo, but nice to catch up, and time to enjoy more deliciousness. Ate bagels, kugel, (and some of the mac 'n cheese and cookies intended for the kids). I almost let a four year old take my plastic glass of white wine, but thankfully caught it in time. To his defense, it did look a lot like apple juice.
In short, my diet has totally gone to hell, but at least I'm enjoying myself (and haven't gained too much back). This week, I have a last day celebration for a workmate who is leaving, several close friends' birthdays, class, and a bachelorette party to look forward to... Thank goodness for DVR.