Sunday, February 26, 2006
She really gets me going
He brought this eye-sore into my beautiful home...
So I, in turn, got this...

Maybe I'll feel better about it if I dress my bike up a bit, to feel more connected to it. I could tie a white basket with purple flowers to the front of my bike, just like I did with my childhood bike, Katie. Yes, that's it. The new ProForm shall from here on out be called Katie-bike.
I just hope the fiancé doesn't get concerned when I tell him I'm off to ride Katie... and then I come back all hot, sweaty, and panting. Saying, "Katie, she's the best, she really makes me hot and gets me going."
Monday, February 20, 2006
Message from my former self
Wear what you want to wear, even if it means sporting rainbow striped socks, a Smurfette ringer tee, and no pants...

Thursday, February 16, 2006
Spreading the Grey bug

I laughed. I cried. I gasped. I held my breath for longer than I thought was possible. I know it may not be for everyone, but how can it hurt to give it a whirl? Then please come back and let me know what you think. All comments welcome.
Encore broadcast: Thursday 9:30/8:30c on ABC
Watch as the Code Black unfolds...
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Eulogy for my dearly departed diet

What can I say about the recently departed? I, along with so many other individuals, have been deeply affected by their presence in our lives. We laughed. We cried... We obsessed.
To the others who they have left behind: the mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, people of all shapes and sizes; I stand with you in this time of deep sorrow and remember... We remember the times they brought us through birthdays without cake. Thanksgivings without pumpkin pie. Passovers without macaroons. Yes, we remember.
So let us join virtual hands, and take a moment of silence, a prayer of hope that their spirits will rise again after this day has passed. And let us thank the higher powers Hallmarkian that this phenomenon occurs only once a year.
And together, let us say...
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Snowed in
Watching the snow build up. Staying warm inside.

Thursday, February 09, 2006
In celebration of MommaK's Thank Your Fairy Blog Mother Week 2006, I would like to take a moment to thank my very special F.B.M... What, you may be wondering, is a Fairy Blog Mother? A Fairy Blog Mother is someone who first inspired you to begin a blog of your own. My Fairy Blog Mother is not only a talented writer and photographer, but she happens to be one of the best friends I have ever had.

Monday, February 06, 2006
Warming the house

Then, as soon as we got home, people started arriving for our housewarming party, which ended up being possibly one of the
longest housewarmings in history... Family and friends were here from 2PM to 2AM!
The first wave of guests, approx. 2-6PM, was comprised

The second wave, was my brother and the late-arrival friends, which included the poker crew, who thankfully did not hold the chair incident against me. We celebrated with hours of eating, drinking, debating, toasting, and lots and lots of laughing.
Overall, it was a blast... but I could definitely use another weekend to recover!
Thursday, February 02, 2006
HNT Haircut
I went to get my hair cut after work today.

To see some fabulous Half-Nekkidness, click on the sexy sidebar link...