the wedding post
I'm back... The wedding was amazing. I have to admit though, it was such a whirlwind, that I barely remember it! I will really have to live it through the photos and video. We get our proofs in a few weeks. I can't wait. It ended up being a gorgeous day, despite the little rain clouds drawn in the paper that morning. So, we were able to take portraits at the Brooklyn Bridge, and have the ceremony outdoors as planned at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Here is a photo of our portrait session taken by my new bro-in-law...

The ceremony was supposed to be under a big weeping tree, but with the strange winter we had, the cherry blossoms ended up staying in bloom two weeks past when they were supposed to wilt...

So we couldn't resist. We made a last minute change, and had our ceremony moved right under the cherry blossoms...

And my nephew was a rock star of a ring bearer, despite the sticker residue left on his face from the cars movie stickers he had stuck all over himself that day...

Then we partied on into the night, in the Garden's glass domed reception hall, with friends and family, including the Franco-American Lauren who flew out from the UK to celebrate with us...

It's funny, I thought I would be an emotional wreck, but I was surprisingly calm (with the exception of the five minute period when I was told that my veil was missing). But overall, I was so relaxed that I kept asking everyone when I was supposed to freak out. It was just so incredible to be surrounded by so much love. And everyone was so amazing, from my bridesmaids, to my mom and sister, to the vendors, to the coordinators at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. The hub and I were truly able to live a dream... Alas, now back to the real world!
posted by Danielle @
8:29 PM |

pangs of love

It's wedding week, and I have to admit, yesterday, as I was sitting at my desk at work, I started to get little butterflies in my stomach. Not huge knots of impending doom or anything, just the little anxious pangs that happen when a life changing event is about to occur. I suddenly felt that there was so much left to do, even though I know everything is in order. We've made programs, scedules, hotel bags, place cars, table cards... We've done it all. We've even been able to add little touches, like flip flops in case the grass is wet and women's heels are sinking in or in case their feet get tired from all of the dancing we are going to do! I just want everyone to be happy, comfortable, and having fun.
But alas, the pangs continue.
I've been trying to ease the pangs by making lists. And lists of lists. And lists of lists of lists. Okay, maybe just a few lists, but it makes me feel productive. I have to-do lists, and lists of things to bring, for the rehearsal dinner, the ceremony, the reception, and of course... the honeymoon.
I'm definitely looking forward to Sunday, when I will be Maui-bound, and list-free. I'm sure when I get back, I will have plenty of stories to share! Aloha...
posted by Danielle @
10:06 AM |