Tuesday, October 31, 2006
unleashing the beast
Audrey is dressed up and ready to go. Now if only she would act as sweet as she looks...
Sunday, October 29, 2006
the doctor is in
After an exciting trip to Scrubs and Beyond, and a foray into the art of making faux hospital badges out of film sleeves, I went to a pre-Halloween fiesta at my friend/coworker's house on Friday dressed as Meredith from Grey's Anatomy.

Friday, October 27, 2006
showering with 60 other women
Why are showers only thrown for happy occasions, like getting married and having babies? The time when someone really needs to be showered with love and support is when something really crappy happens. I mean, how amazing would it be to have a "sorry you just lost your job shower?" Or how about a "sorry your boyfriend/lover/husband is an ass shower?" And for that matter, why doesn't Hallmark make cards for such occasions? Seriously though, what better time is there than when you feel totally stressed and at your breaking point to be showered with attention and presents? Especially gifts relating to food and things to make you feel sexy!When I am feeling down, all I want to do is eat and stay in bed. Why not heighten that experienced for the person feeling bad? I can see it now... Here is a wine opener to help you drown your sorrows. Here is an ice cream maker to help you eat through your emotions. Here are fireplace pokers to help you burn your memorabilia...
That said, my bridal shower was last weekend, and I wouldn't have traded it for anything. It was so nice, but the whole thing just flew by. If I didn't have about a zillion photos to jog my memory, I would have forgotten virtually everything. I imagine that this is how I looked majority of the time, with a big goofy (albeit a bit overwhelmed) grin...

Monday, October 16, 2006
It's October, which means Halloween is just around the corner. Now comes the important task of finding a costume. I'm thinking of going with something fun and flirty this year. There are a surprising amount of options...

Do you know what you are going to be yet? How 'bout a favorite costume?

Have a sexy Halloween!