Friday, August 26, 2005
Playing dress-up

I went backwards in time, starting at last year's Purim party at the Kabbalah Center in LA, when a tipsy me starred as "A Mid-Summer Night's Dream" with vines and sparkles all over. Next, I flashed to my college years, with yours truly rocking out as the "Sexy Cat" or "Sexy Red-Riding Hood." I visited the "60s chick," and "Pippi Longstocking" of my prep school years, on all the way back to one of my favorites...
Picture this: Moi, little D (6 years old or so) as Twink, the sidekick from Rainbow Bright. The costume: a plastic mask of Twink's face with only two round holes for eyes (no nose or mouth holes, which made it kind of hard to breathe), and a big plastic smock with a picture of Twink (please note, it was a picture of the entire character of Twink, not just his body). And in case you still didn't "get" that I was Twink, I felt the need to tape a small stuffed Twink to the smock. My "BFF" Becky, who I called my other sister, had the same thing going on, but she was "Sunshine Bear" from the Care-Bears(Congrats again on getting engaged Becs!). We really could not have been cooler, or so we thought, as we pranced around Lily Pond Lane filling our plastic pumpkin pales, and sneaking treats under our masks.

Anyone else have memorable costumes to share?
w.w. -1, -4.2 total