Thursday, May 25, 2006
HNT/Hot and bothered: Part 1
This past weekend, I attended a bridal shower then bachelorette party extravaganza for my closest childhood friend. In preparation, I went to a store called Ricky's. For those who are not familiar with Ricky's, they have sections for everything from Manic Panic and beauty supplies, to cowboy hats and XXX paraphanalia. I was all set with my wholesome Jewish girl gifts for the shower (a Judaica wall hanging symbolizing health, happiness, and good luck, and a two tier fruit basket from her registry), but I still needed something for the bachelorette party. I made a b-line for the dark room in the back with the beaded curtain entryway and neon arrow of flashing Xs...As I parted the beads and popped my head in, I was greeted by an army of plastic penises, in every color, shape, and size imaginable, standing at attention mere inches from my face. I could feel myself blushing, purely out of surprise. If I had been there with someone else, it would have been a different story. We could have laughed about it all and played it up. But going alone into one of those places feels a bit sketchy. The awkwardness lasted all of about two seconds before I started getting into my options... There were the pink fuzzy hand cuffs, drink stirrers shaped like penises, edible undies for him, and a naked orgy of people about an inch tall that you throw in someone's drink and they grow. But it really came down to two. The candy necklace garter belt or the edible body paint... I opted for the paint.

Pictured is my ghetto version of edible body paint a.k.a. ketchup!
**For more HNT click on the sexy Half Nekkid sidebar link.