Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Revenge of the mullet
Evidently, mullets are all the rage in Manhattan again. In the past few weeks, I've spotted multitudes with mulletude, all over town. And not just traditional mullets. I have been lucky enough to catch glimpses of some of the more rare versions, including: the blossoming femullet(for the ladies), the silver mullet, and even the rat tail mullet (one man had a dreaded tail that was nearly a foot long). But today's addition, captured below with my phone cam on the 4 train, is in a category all its own."Not sure whether you want to be a blonde or a brunette... Now you can have the best of both worlds with: The Duotone Mullet.

For more info on the achy-breaky-bad-mistakey/beaver paddle/camaro cut/mudflap/neckwarmer/schlong(short and long) look, you can refer to the Premiere Spot for Mullet Hairstyle Related Poetry,, or one of the many other mullet appreciation sites on the web.