Friday, October 28, 2005
My birthday: One year ago today

But the 28th was a night to party. There were so many people with whom to celebrate. Actor clients and friends, Kabbalah study-mates, old college buddies showed up, and even people I didn't know. But everyone was welcomed. We ate, we danced, and we hottubbed outside in October. Audrey was enjoying the food people were dropping, with no knowledge that she was about to leave her Yorkie girlfriend next door.
As I drank reisling after reisling, my stomach was all knots. My life felt unsettled. I had no job, no place to go, nothing set up, but I knew it was something that I had to do. Jersey is where I was meant to be.
So, I grabbed a long thin stick and a shmellow, and created a perfect smoores to melt over the yard firepit, and as I stuffed its chocolatey, grahamy, gooeyness into my mouth, I knew that a year from that moment I'd be looking back saying it was all worth it.
And it was. Worth. Every. Second.