Wednesday, August 08, 2007

remembering the doozers

It has become a bit of a routine lately, when I get to work in the morning (which was over an hour late today due to the post-storm commuter's nightmare, but that's another story), I glance down at Lexington through my window at the ConEd folks below, and I can't help but think of the Doozers from Fraggle Rock... Remember those little ant-sized workers, with their yellow hard hats and big worker boots?

But, is it my imagination, or has this thing tripled in size?

week 1...
week 2...
And yet, they still have time to sit and hang out in the hole...
I have to say, they have been very busy at work though (ie. jackhammering through the day - fun), so hopefully they are plugging on through it, and the whole thing will soon just be a blast from the past.
posted by Danielle @ 11:22 PM |


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