Thursday, December 22, 2005
Having a Jew-riffic HNT
Half Nekkid with a menorah...
At 12:30, a chartered bus picked the 20 or so of us up, as well as our ad and marketing teams from another building, which brought us to about 60 people, and we made our way across town and all the way up to a hole in the wall place in Harlem, known as the Dinosaur BBQ: A genuine Honky-Tonk Rib Joint. Who knew such a place existed in Manhattan?
We walked in, and were greeted by smiles, blues music, and a Christmas tree fully adorned with empty beer cans as ornaments. After seemingly endless streams of food, including Drunken Spicy Shameless Shrimp, chicken, salmon, ribs, and sides galore; I sat with an oversized plastic soda glass of merlot in one hand, and a warm chocolate chip cookie in the other, and was struck by how much I would rather be there hanging out at the Dino, than at the huge fancy Tavern on the Green magazine holiday party which I missed on the 8th on account of the flu. Funny how things just seem to work out sometimes.
And in other news, did anyone hear that Hell froze over?

And for more Half Nekkid Thursday fun, click on the sexy HNT sidebar link. Per Osbasso's request, my gifts to other HNTers are IOUs for if and when I meet them. I would buy Marie a drink to celebrate her new job; I would give Blondie a hand to hold as she gets her tattoo next year and/or a Valium; and if I could, I would give Miladysa a lunch with her favorite UK television personalities, Colin and Justin. Happy Half Nekkid Holidays to all!