Wednesday, March 08, 2006
HNT: Check out my juicy mangos...
**I'm posting HNT early this week, since I won't be able to post tonight...
I've always been rather obsessed with food, especially snacks, constantly thinking about the next thing I am going to eat, and the thing after that; but mango was never really one of those foods on my radar. I never even gave it a thought, except on the rare occasion when I would encounter an unfamiliar bite of fruit salad or a candied cube of dried fruit in with trail mix.
Things all changed last week though, as I was waiting at the register of the craptastic deli/salad bar/sushi-rama/smoothie hut/florist downstairs from where I work. There it was, on display for all to admire, love in the guise of a stack of round clear plastic containers with sliced yellow fruit inside, and stickers that read a mere $1.99. $1.99 for a healthy(er) snack? I had to give it a go.
Once back at my desk, I revealed the plastic fruit-filled container from within the generic white plastic bag, carefully but deliberately, like unwrapping a present. I then loaded up the plastic fork and let the luscious fruit slide past my readied lips. That first memorable moment is emblazoned on my memory. I closed my eyes, momentarily escaping the green haze of fluorescent lights and computer screen's glow, and fully experience the flavor, as it slid down my throat. I was instantly transported to a beach, drinking cocktails with my love beneath a palm tree.
I have a problem now though... No other snack will do it for me any more. I have started craving it's sweet deliciousness all the time, to the point where I fantasize about eating it. Seriously. I may soon be in need of MA... Mango-eaters anonymous.
When Thursday rolls around, click on the sexy sidebar link for more Half Nekkid Thursday (HNT) fun!