Monday, September 04, 2006
I'm baaack
Texas was great, that is, except for the plane rides. The worst of which being when I got on a plane, and the guy sitting next to me proceeded to ask me if I had heard about the plane crash that had occurred that morning. Note to travelers: It is not a good idea to talk about plane crashes to strangers on a plane, if you don't want to freak them out. Common Sense? I guess not. The second worst flight experience was the first leg going down. There were storms of outside of Houston, so after circling for a long time, the pilot informed us that we were out of fuel and had to be diverted to Beaumont. Surprisingly enough, I had always wanted to visit Beaumont, after being in an emotional play during high school when I played a USO girl during the Vietnam war who was from there, but when I was sitting on the runway there for an hour, not so much. The flight attendants started a second movie for us, which was enjoyable and made the time fly by, however, the plane landed before it was done, and I never got to see the end, so now I will have to add that silly fluff of a plane movie to my netflix queue to have some closure. I need closure.My nephew is super cute though, and the bris party was fun. I even was chosen to be the Kvatterin, which means I carried the baby to have his you know what, you know what-ted. I kept boasting that I was going to be the official Kvetcher (which means "complainer" in Yiddish), because I kept forgetting the real name. In the initial photos I saw of my nephew, he looked a bit smooshy (which was no surprise after his three week stay in the canal), but when I went to meet him a week later, his head was perfectly round and he looked like a little cherub. It's amazing what the body can go through and just pop right back. I couldn't help but take about a billion photos while I was in Texas(no surprises there). I will only subject you to four.

Okay, maybe one more photo. Here I am with the little guy, who was looking a bit red after a good cry.

So now, me and my pillows are back home, and will not be traveling again for a long time. Other than that, I have been busy this past week entertaining(and being entertained by) the most fabulous houseguests ever, while drinking pitchers of margaritas, playing dress-up, and pretending that the summer is not coming to an end.